Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bt brinjal-pros and cons

Bacillus Thuringienesis Brinjal, popularly known as Bt brinjal is in the midst of all focus these days.The brinjal , also knows as "Guinea squash," is a member of the nightshade family, along with the tomato, pepper, and potato.The brinjal is believed to have been domesticated in north-eastern India where wild forms still grow.It is rich in Vitamin A and B.Its gown in an area of 5.5 lac hectare in India.Almost 70 per cent of production is wasted each year due to shoot and fruit borer(FCB)


India's no.1 seed company MAHYCO in collaboration with American MNC "MONSANTO" has carried out the research for this variety of seed.The research sterted in the year 2000 and field trials were carried out in 2006The issue has assumed centrestage after the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) gave its go ahead to the commercial planting of the Bt brinjal in October last year based on the two-year field trial


Bt brinjal is being opposed by experts and NGOs in India .It is argued that this gm product is harmful for human health,animals and environment as whole.Leading the opposition campaign from the front is a NGO called "gene campaign" and has also filed a PIL in Supreme Court.


When the FCB's suck the juice of Bt brinjal then the proteins which are poisonous for them gets inside their stomach.This leads to bursting of the stomach of the FCB and their death subsequently.Due to this featureof this GM(genetically modified) crop farmers need not buy expensive insecticides and they are free from the worries of insects and their effects.


1. Farmers won't have to shell extra bucks from their already over strained pockets.

2. The losses borne by the farmer every year would be reduced subsequently.


1. These crops are harmful for human beings in the long run.

2. Though in the initial phase it is bound to give profits but in the long run it would increase the use of insecticides and fertilizers.

3. The claims of Bt crops are not being crosschecked by proper tests.


The issue is currently under environment ministry and is being looked by experts there. Jairam Ramesh will pronounce his verdict on BT Brinjal but already emotions are running high and there are sharp divisions,and here is sme more news from toi:

Govt no to Bt brinjal for now, says needs more consensus

Owing to divided opinion on the issue, the government has shown the red flag to Bt brinjal, a geneticaly modified version of brinjal, for now. All major brinjal producing states in the country are against the introduction of the crop


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